Having an Attitude of Gratitude

For many people, this time of year can be very stressful. For others it can be the most fun, peaceful, and joyous time of the year! And then if you’re like me, it can be both! 


This time of the year there is always so much to do, leaving very little room to relax and rest over this holiday break. Students have two weeks off from school, but that time is usually spent with other friends and fun holiday festivities all around! 


Next thing you know you find yourself running around from store to store, from practice to practice, and little time for yourself. You start to feel like you are doing everything for everyone else, cooking dinner, cleaning, shopping for gifts, wrapping the gifts, and you feel drained. 


I have been there and I know that it can be very easy to get distracted by the busyness around you during this season. When we are constantly busy, we lose sight of what is truly important. 


That is why I want to encourage you to have an attitude of gratitude this holiday season! By remaining grateful, we stay focused on the things that are important to us and we start to see our mindsets shift. 


Being grateful sounds easy to do, but this can really be challenging. When you look around, surely you can find things you are grateful for. But when things aren’t going your way, or you are having a really hard day, can you still carry that grateful attitude forward?


For students, a great example of having an attitude of gratitude this holiday season is by how you respond to when others give you a gift. Will you show them that you are grateful no matter how big or small the gift is? Or will you be disappointed if it is not the exact gift you were asking for?  Let’s be sure to show others that we are grateful no matter what the circumstances are. 


Here is a challenge to all that are reading this. Next time you feel overwhelmed, stressed out, or too busy, take a look around you. Identify the things that you are grateful for. Be sure to pay attention to all of your friends and family that support you and love you. Remind yourself that no matter what season you are in, it is important to have a grateful mindset. 


Sara Tavoularis